Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday, May 18, 2015 Agenda

1. Hi Guys! I have a migraine today. I'm sorry. I will be back tmw to finish The Giver!
2. No headphones or music. It is disrespectful to the sub. Thank you for understanding! 
3. Please make sure all computers are nice and organized on desks. Three at a time, go in order of the rows. Help one another!
4. Help one another all day, please! The MC quiz is something I have to give you. All seventh grade students in the district have to take it. Stay positive and use your swagger strategies! 
5. I love you and am thinking of you. Have the best day ever! 

Starter: or Quizlet practice for 15 minutes

1. Take this MC connect test: 

Block One: 255831
Block Two: 265837
Block Three: 246369

2. Make sure you finished chapters 17-19 and turned in your RIT organizer on Google Classroom!

3. Make sure you completed your Study Guide (your booklet) and used The Giver to help you! 

4. Read and follow directions on the post The Giver Quote and Reflection

5. Help others or continue practicing vocabulary.

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Friday, May 15, 2015

The Giver Quote and Reflection

Quotes are a wonderful way to motivate and inspire you. There are quotes for every type of situation in life, all offering little bits of wisdom to help you improve your overall happiness and reach your full potential. Here is an article with a list of some of my favorites. Read 38 of the Most Inspirational Quotes...Ever! Which one is most inspirational to you? Why?

When you are finished, write the quote (and other favorites) down somewhere safe. Then look through The Giver for your favorite quotes. Write this down in your diary.

Once you have collected all these quotes, you can choose one that reminds you of your life. This choice can be from The Giver or from the article. Write a narrative about your personal experience and how this quote relates to you.

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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Thursday, May 14, 2015 Agenda

-After The Bell Art Club after school on Friday
-Alternate schedule on Friday
-Happy Thursday :)

Starter: Quizlet Practice (one more shot at all four quizzes on Monday)

1. Take the Student Character Building Survey
2. Read Chapters 17-19 while completing your own RIT Graphic Organizer for a grade.
3. Turn in your RIT GO in our classroom website when you are finished.
3. Complete study guide questions 17-19.
4. Read Miss Crosby's CB Lesson and follow instructions.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Character Building Student Made Survey

Here is the survey you created. You can click the link or take the embedded survey! You choose! Your personal answers will not be shared with anyone. Option One: Character Building Student Made Survey

Option Two: Embedded Survey

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Learning About Character in School: Help Me Make a Survey

Throughout The Giver, Jonas begins to learn about different cultures. The first culture is his current: decisions are made for you based off someone else's experiences and learned wisdom. A system is already in place to make your life smooth and successful. The second culture Jonas begins to learn about is much like ours today. He experiences both extreme positive and negative memories and feelings, finding himself drawn to the "highs" and "lows" which are aligned.

We've taken several class votes about which culture is best and which we would prefer to live in. Most of the grade has consistently preferred a community where we work together as a team to help one another, gain wisdom from our positive and negative experiences, and seek our unique individuality in our world.

Here's my question to you: How can I help you reach your full social, emotional, and academic potential?

I want to make a survey to ask you questions about building character, but I don't know where to start. Please comment below one or more questions you'd like me to ask in the survey. The survey will be anonymous, but we will compare everyone's answers.

Here are sample questions (I am using these so don't write them!):
1. How do you act when you are angry?
2. What is your best organization strategy?
3. How do you calm yourself down?
4. What type of activities do you want to do to learn about building character?

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